Telegraf Configuration

1. Enable monitoring in kcnd/kpnd

Check the if below two options enabled.



If two options enabled, You may check port 61001 is open.

$ netstat -ntap | grep 61001
tcp        0      0 :::61001        :::*       LISTEN      8989/kcn

2. Configure Telegraf service

Create new telegraf configuration file as klaytn.conf under below path and add the following the configuration.


Edit ’nodetype’, ‘instance’, and ‘hostname’ appropriately for each node.

# Change "cn" to "pn" for PN installation
nodetype = "cn"
# The CN/PN name (e.g. `klaytn-cn`, `klaytn-pn-01`)
instance = "<hostname>"

# The CN/PN name (e.g. `klaytn-cn`, `klaytn-pn-01`)
hostname = "<hostname>"

urls = [ "" ]
database = "klaytn"

urls = [ "http://localhost:61001/metrics" ]

Please find the Pre-cypress Dashboard as below URL. The Credentials will be provided separately.


You can check the more details requirements on the page below.

If you finish this step, please click the next button > on the right side of this page.